Friday, December 28, 2007

Three Lefts Make Me Right, and the Self-Righteous One is Wrong

An update about "Small Change":

In the past week I have talked to my marriage counselor AND my youngest son's psychologist (he-my son- has a learning disability- one day I'll write more about this). They both agree with me about making the children more responsible and the benefits of this for the family and to the children's futures. The psychologist even helped me to put together a game-plan with which to ease the children into the change with minimal stress and trauma.

How strange and maddening it is to harbor doubts about your convictions, to wonder if you're just being a bitch. It's so rewarding to hear from professionals on the subject that you are NOT. It's certainly a relief, but it also causes me to wonder:
Do I worry about being a bitch because of my personal background, because of my interaction with my husband, or because of the way our society portrays women who stand up for themselves? I'm suspecting it's a combination of all three... And possibly some other factors that I'm just not illuminated enough to have realized. Yet.

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